Discounts, Credits, and Referrals

We offer monthly discounts on various services and products.

You may combine discounts to equal $10 off any service except for laser hair removal, which will be up to $50 off any laser session. This is also the case with product orders. The exception is if you receive a card that specifically states half price off a service or product order.

Seven Days Without a Massage Makes One Weak:

This is a monthly package only valid for one calendar month.

Buy four massages and get one free. All must be used in the calendar month you purchased the package.

Please note this discount is not valid with the student rate.


Credits that are outright purchased can be redeemed however the receiver chooses.

We gladly give gift cards to all worthy organizations who ask for one as a prize for an event. However, we do have some stipulations how they are redeemed.

You may use up to half any service prices with a credit and twenty percent for a product order. For example, you receive a $20 credit. You decide on a half-hour massage at the office. You would be able to use the credit available up to half of the current massage price.

If you had the massage as an outcall, the $20 could be fully redeemed since it is less than half the rate.


You receive a $5 credit for the first three clients you refer. You receive a $10 credit for the next three you refer.
All additional referrals after six will be a $15 credit.
All laser hair removal referrals are $25 credit.
Any referral credit may be redeemed as you would like, in reference to the limit mentioned.